Fracture Specialists in San Antonio
Get back into the game, safely & Fast.
What is a Fracture?
Despite the strength of our bones, it is possible for them to break when too much force is applied to them in the wrong ways. A fracture refers to a broken bone and can range from a small hairline fracture to a complete break of the bone depending on the severity. The terms fracture and “broken bone” can be used interchangeably, but your orthopaedic specialist will refer to the break as a fracture and will diagnose it as a specific type of fracture. Treatment options can thus vary depending on the severity of the fracture.
Treatment options for a fracture include the following:
Cast Immobilization: A cast made of plaster or fiberglass is used to support and protect the bone while it heals. Casts are typically used when a bone is not moved out of place too much.
Reduction: When a bone has been displaced, your orthopaedic specialist will reposition the bone either surgically or non-surgically depending on the severity.
Traction: Traction is a technique that involves applying a steady pulling force to the fractured bone to realign it. It's mainly used for specific types of fractures or when other methods are not suitable.
External Fixation: In cases of severe fractures, external fixation may be necessary. This involves the use of metal pins or screws placed into the bone on either side of the fracture and connected to an external frame to hold the bone in place.
Physical Therapy: After the initial healing process, physical therapy is recommended to regain proper strength and motion in the affected area.
WHAT ARE THE different types of fractures?
Some of the different types of fractures include:
Greenstick Fracture: A greenstick fracture occurs when the bone is bent but not completely broken
Hairline Fracture: A hairline fracture is a tiny, fine crack in the bone, often resulting from overuse or repetitive stress.
Transverse Fracture: In a transverse fracture, the break is horizontal across the bone.
Comminuted Fracture: In this fracture, the bone has shattered into three or more pieces.
And More
What are the symptoms of a fracture?
Pain and even immobilization of the affected area
Swelling and tenderness around the injury